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Upcoming Events


Thinking Here and Now - Meeting 25

A conversation with
Dr. Scott Miller

About the question: What do I need to change in the treatment to make it work better?

Wednesday, May 22, 2024 8 pm - 9:30 pm
(Israel Time; UTC+2) | 1 PM New York Time

In this conversation, after the presentation of the concept, the tools & practice, and relevant research, Aner Govrin and Sharon Ziv-Beiman will discuss with Scott Miller questions regarding Feedback Informed Treatment


Seminars and conferences

participate in a seminar presented by Dr. Ferruccio Osimo

Intensive Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE-DP) with PTSD: a case of complex, multi-layer trauma.

June 18 at 9:00 Jerusalem time, 18:00 ACT (Australia), 8:00 CET,
2:00 EST, 23:00 on June 17 PST.
The seminar will be held Online.

The seminar will illustrate the way IE-DP can accurately dose its Therapeutic Ingredients, paving the way to the healing process, even when we are faced with a shattered, dysregulated psycho-emotional system.

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