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Discussing the Work of Erich Fromm

With Roger Frie, author of
Edge of Catastrophe - Erich Fromm, Fascism, and the Holocaust
And Sandra Buechler, author of
Erich Fromm: A Contemporary Introduction

Discussing the Work of Erich Fromm

The conversation will take place on Sunday, November 24, 2024, 7:30 pm - 9:15 pm (Israel Time; UTC+2)

Links for Further Reading on Erich Fromm:

Reading About Erich Fromm

Erich Fromm's Book - Escape from Freedom

Join us for an illuminating evening as we explore the enduring relevance of Erich Fromm's work through the lens of two groundbreaking new books by eminent scholars in the field.

As clinicians, we'll delve into Fromm's clinical wisdom and its application to contemporary practice. We'll also examine how Fromm's political insights can help us understand the current global situation, including the October 7th war and its aftermath.

Roger Frie's book "Edge of Catastrophe - Erich Fromm, Fascism, and the Holocaust " (Oxford, 2024) uncovers Erich Fromm's correspondence with his relatives who remained in Europe during the Holocaust, providing deep insights into how his experiences as a German-Jewish refugee shaped his worldview. Fromm developed a social psychoanalysis that linked the health of the individual to the well-being of society. Most importantly, Fromm was one of very few analysts to speak out publicly about the dangers of fascism at a time psychoanalysis sought to keep the psyche separate from political concerns. Frie brings his own German family history to bear and asks how our personal position in relation to the traumatic Nazi past shapes our response to the Holocaust and our understanding of Fromm's work.

Sandra Buechler's book "Erich Fromm: A Contemporary Introduction" (Routledge, 2024) presents Fromm's multidisciplinary contributions to psychoanalysis, sociology, philosophy, and political activism. Through a blend of biography and analytical skill, Buechler illuminates Fromm's capacity to inspire and his enduring relevance for contemporary clinicians and social critics alike. Her book emphasizes how Fromm's teachings can serve as a compass for therapists, providing a sense of mission and aiding in coping with the challenges of the profession. Buechler proposes Fromm as an "internal mentor" for therapists, offering inspiration and theoretical depth throughout all stages of their clinical career.

Questions we'll explore:

  • How does Fromm's personal experience inform his clinical approach?

  • What can Fromm's social criticism teach us about today's political challenges?

  • How can Fromm's ideas on love and human nature guide our clinical work?

  • In what ways can Fromm's writings inspire both seasoned and novice clinicians?

  • How might Fromm's analysis of authoritarianism help us comprehend current global tensions?

About the Speakers:

Dr. Roger Frie is a distinguished scholar, Professor of Education at Simon Fraser University, Affiliate Professor of Psychiatry at the University of British Columbia in Vancouver, and Psychoanalytic Faculty and Supervisor at the William Alanson White Institute in New York. A clinical psychologist, psychoanalyst, historian, and social philosopher, Frie is the author and editor of numerous acclaimed works, including the award-winning book "Not in My Family: German Memory and Responsibility After the Holocaust" (Oxford) and "History Flows Through Us: Germany, the Holocaust and the Importance of Empathy."

Dr. Sandra Buechler is a renowned psychoanalyst, Training and Supervising Analyst at the William Alanson White Institute, USA. Her influential books include the Gradiva award-winning "Making a Difference in Patients' Lives" (2008), "Still Practicing: The Heartaches and Joys of a Clinical Career" (2012), "Understanding and Treating Patients in Clinical Psychoanalysis: Lessons from Literature" (2015), and "Psychoanalytic Approaches to Problems in Living" (Routledge, 2019).

Reading Here and Now – Aner Govrin and Sharon Ziv-Beiman
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