Mifrasim Institute for Psychotherapy Training & research at the School for Behavioral Sciences, The academic college Tel-Aviv Yaffo in collaboration with The Israeli Experiential Dynamic Therapy Group (EDT) warmly invites you to
participate in a seminar presented by Dr. Ferruccio Osimo 9 core
The 9 core ingredients of Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy. A one-day seminar with Dr. Ferruccio Osimo presenting each ingredient by 9 corresponding video-clips from real therapy sessions.
November 5 at 9:00 Jerusalem time
Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE-DP) is an idiosyncratically versatile therapeutic model, integrating experiential, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioral techniques. It is based on 9 Therapeutic Ingredients, that are implemented in a flexible way, according to each clinical situation, and to each therapist’s personality and culture. In the course of the Seminar, each Therapeutic Ingredient will be explained theoretically, and illustrated by way of a video-clip from a real therapy session, demonstrating its role and impact. A distinctive feature of IE-DP is the way it puts a premium on the real human connection between therapist and patient, that becomes a powerful therapeutic lever. Addressing the Real Relationship is actually one of the 9 Therapeutic Ingredients, and lies at the heart of IE-DP.
The number and clinical variety of the cases presented at the seminar will highlight the effectiveness of IE-DP with a wide range of patients, presenting with diverse personality structure, severity of symptoms, and traumatic history.
Dr. Osimo is the first president of IEDTA, International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association. He is the founder of Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE-DP), based on the pioneering work of Habib Davanloo and David Malan. Dr. Osimo's clinical studies with Malan, John Bowlby and Leigh McCullough led him to lay an emphasis on the real human relationship with the patient, which is of the essence to select effective types of intervention. Dr. David Malan wrote in the introduction to Dr. Osimo's book Experiential Short term Dynamic Psychotherapy: "Dr. Osimo explains the principles of his technique with great clarity. His special contribution consists of his detailed description of the various kinds of intervention available for dealing with each of the three corners of the Triangle of conflict. In particular, he introduces the concept of "maieutic" interventions for facilitating the full experience and open expressions of deep feeling (the word is derived from the ancient Greek for “midwife”). Dr. Osimo trained many EDT therapists and instructors in the USA, England, Italy and Israel. The IE-DP approach is described in several articles and books.
Ferruccio Osimo, Milano.