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We warmly invite you to participate in a seminar presented by *Dr. Ferruccio Osimo*.
In collaboration with Mifrasim Institute For
Psychotherapy Research and Training.
How to handle dysregulated emotions, originating from severe trauma or life crisis.
March 5 at 9:00 Jerusalem time, 18:00 ACT (Australia), 8:00 CET,
2:00 EST, 23:00 on March 4 PST.
*The seminar will be held Online
אין אירועים כרגע
The seminar's main focus will be the handling of markedly
dysregulated emotions, after severe trauma or a comparably severe life crisis. Treatment segments will demonstrate how to tune in to the fast-changing, magmatic functioning of a gifted, acutely stressed teenager, with multiple traumata in her background, low motivation to live, pervasive anxiety, Anorexia, and vomiting.
*Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE-DP)* is an accelerated - thus cost-effective - psychotherapy model. It integrates experiential, psychodynamic, and cognitive-behavioral techniques, in a way that gives shape to 9 major Therapeutic Ingredients. This makes IE-DP versatile, and suitable to treat a wide range of patients, presenting with
diverse personality structures, symptoms, and motivational levels.
The healing power of the real human connection between therapist and patient is at the heart of IE-DP.
Seminar Program
(in Jerusalem time - GMT+2)
9:00: Opening remarks.
9:10: Opening lecture: Intensive Experiential-Dynamic
Psychotherapy (IE-DP). At the heart of the model: Working with the human, therapist-patient relationship as a way to accelerate treatment and inspire change.
10:45: Coffee break.
11:00: Clinical video demonstration:
A dysregulated teenager with Anorexia and low motivation to live.
12:40: Lunch break.
13:10: Clinical demonstration:
Working with the 9 Therapeutic Ingredients. Treatment development therapeutic effects.
14:40: Discussion and concluding remarks.
15:10: Estimated end.
Dr. Osimo
is the first president of IEDTA, International Experiential Dynamic Therapy Association. He is the founder of Intensive Experiential-Dynamic Psychotherapy (IE-DP), based on the pioneering work of Habib Davanloo and David Malan. Dr. Osimo's clinical studies with Malan, John Bowlby and Leigh McCullough led him to emphasize that the real human relationship between therapist and patient, is of the essence to
choosing the type of intervention. Dr. David Malan wrote in the introduction to Dr. Osimo's book *Experiential Short-term Dynamic Psychotherapy*:
"Dr. Osimo explains the principles of his technique with great clarity. His special contribution consists of his detailed description of the various kinds of intervention available for dealing with each of the three corners of the Triangle of conflict. In particular, he introduces the concept of "maieutic" interventions for facilitating the full experience and open expressions of deep feeling (the word is derived from the ancient Greek for “midwife”). Dr. Osimo trained many EDT therapists and instructors in the USA, England, Italy, and Israel. The IE-DP approach is described in several articles and books.
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